I know that water is blue because it reflects the blue from the sky. But today I have driven past bays, ponds, lakes, estuaries, and the ocean. The water in each is twice as blue as normal and 10 times bluer than the sky. Where is this color coming from?
One of the many things I love about living on the coast is how every venture to the beach brings something new. I know that in every environment things are in a constant sate of change. But I can go back to the same spot on the mount and find the same tree, the same rock, the same log and the same bush. Not so on the beach. When I most count on returning to find a treasure, that treasure will surely be gone. The sandscapes change. The animal life comes and goes. Objects get washed up and then was he away again. It is never truer than at the beach that the only constant is change.
By the way... how does one sketch different shades of blue?
This drawing has nothing to do with blue... it's just a very quick sketch of a pub at the beach...