So, a little background information... This is a commission piece. I'm excited to be doing this one even though there are going to be several challenges. And now that I've got a pretty cool looking background going, I'm realizing it may blend in too much with the uniform. So I may have to alter my background before I make any more progress. Getting your background right is kind of like starting with a good foundation. You don't want to have to go back and try to fix it after you've built on top of it. So I'm off to do a little research, make sure I have his uniform color accurate, and then make a decision about the background. Is that enough background for you?
Setting the Stage
I went to a play this week and was fascinated with the set. Everything about the play was wonderful, but as I painted today I thought about the set, the design, the style, and all the work that went into it. Without that set all of the other elements of the play would have been different.
So today I set the stage for my next painting. It will effect everything that comes hereafter. How exciting is that?
Background Check
A few details added to the background. Does anyone else remember those old calendars?
Feeling Blue...
I was able to get the background started... a lot of blue! It's exciting to get started and know the possibilities of what can be.