Quick Change Artist

I'm back to working on Ryan again. There's no real deadline for him, so he sat on the back burner for a while. Part of the reason he ended up there was because I started to doubt my decision about his uniform color. It's a good thing I asked because what looked like green in the photo reference was really blue. He had to quickly change his uniform. But we're back on track again. Whew!

A Little Background

So, a little background information... This is a commission piece. I'm excited to be doing this one even though there are going to be several challenges. And now that I've got a pretty cool looking background going, I'm realizing it may blend in too much with the uniform. So I may have to alter my background before I make any more progress. Getting your background right is kind of like starting with a good foundation. You don't want to have to go back and try to fix it after you've built on top of it. So I'm off to do a little research, make sure I have his uniform color accurate, and then make a decision about the background. Is that enough background for you?