Paint By Number

I had a friend ask what my process looks like. I was thinking that I was sharing that since I post at each stopping point along the way. But today I realized that I've only been sharing the stopping points, and not the points in between. So here is what I call the paint-by-number stage. I spent years watching Bob Ross paint happy little trees that just magically appeared on the canvas. When I started painting I thought it would be like that. While I still have fond memories of watching those happy little trees, there is a big disservice to the art business in those shows. It just doesn't happen like that. I could spend an entire post explain all the reasons why, but I'll move on. Every artist has their own approach. For me, I find the lights and the darks and lay them in all around the figure. Sometimes it's only in a single area, like the lips. Other times it's a bigger area like here, the entire face. And then I blend it to a soft stage like this... 

And then I do it again and again. I call this layering. Each time I repeat the process I see lights I didn't see before. I see darks that are darker. I see shapes that are not quite right. So I paint by number again and soften again until suddenly, there she is. So tune in again tomorrow and we'll see if we got there!

Waves Passing Over Me

I have waves pass over me all the time. Sometimes they are waves of exhaustion. Sometimes waves of shame. I've experienced wonderful waves of joy and plenty of waves of hunger. One summer, not too many years ago, I spent a week in southern California and tried my hand at surfing. I experienced plenty of literal waves washing over me, knocking me off my feet, spinning me in circles. Sometimes when the waves hit there's nothing to do but wait for them to pass, get your bearings again, and then keep moving on. Occasionally, though the waves are warm and comfortable and you want to wrap up in them and hold them close and never let them go.


Well, here she is, "Embrace". She's definitely different than anything I've done before. And I'm really happy with her. Her features are distinct and I believe the emotion comes through. I feel like in addition to finding comfort in the warmth and softness of the blanket, she is remembering times of comfort as well. Isn't that what a security blanket it all about? The memories? A new blanket may be warm and soft, but it doesn't bring the same comfort as the worn and raggedy one that smells like home, or Mom, or a loved one. It doesn't have the memories attached of the time you snuggled on the couch together, or when it covered you during an illness. Safety and security come from time tested trials and triumphs and the consistency of knowing that what you need and what you love will be there when you need it again. 

Soft Shoulder

When I was young I was always confused about the road signs that said "Soft Shoulder". How did they know my shoulders were soft? I would lean my head over and rub my cheek against my shoulder and feel how warm and soft it was and wonder why they made a sign about it. Today she got a soft sleeve on her soft shoulder. I worked on her hand again as well. It just wasn't doing what I wanted it to do, so I turned it on more of an angle and I'm liking it much better. Now the paint is too wet and I'll have to wait until tomorrow to play with it again, but at least it's starting to do what I want.