... it's making me wait... I rarely hear that word without remembering the old catsup commercial. Perhaps that's why the image that comes to mind is a drop of liquid and anxiously waiting for it to land.
Pony Tail
I used to love having my hair in a ponytail. I would toss it and flick it and wonder if it really looked like my pony's tail. In my mind it most definitely did. I also wondered why pigtails were called pigtails... pigs didn't have two tails, and my hair didn't curl like a pig's tail did...
But oh well. This horse doesn't have to worry about it. He can flick his pony tail all he wants.
Cattle Drive...
When I was young I always looked forward to the cattle drives. It meant I got to be on a horse all day long, with my dad, and out in nature... even if that meant eating the dust and smelling the manure all day.
Painting cattle is a different story... I admit I'm having fun with this painting, but I just have to say it...
Cattle Drive... me nuts! ;)
Horsing Around
Just horsing around with a quick sketch...
Moving Cows... or Cowboys...
I've spent a lot of time in my life on the back of a horse and moving cows. But today moving cows around the canvas was a bit different than it used to be. And that dear cowboy had to be moved three different times... I just couldn't seem to get him in the right proportion. I knew this painting was going to be a bit tricky, so tomorrow I'll see if I can move things around a little more.
Setting the Stage
I went to a play this week and was fascinated with the set. Everything about the play was wonderful, but as I painted today I thought about the set, the design, the style, and all the work that went into it. Without that set all of the other elements of the play would have been different.
So today I set the stage for my next painting. It will effect everything that comes hereafter. How exciting is that?
Rain, Ripples, and Reflections
I love rain. I love the smell just before it hits. I love the sound it makes; the feel of it on my skin on a warm day. I love the salty taste of it on my tongue. And I love the ripples on the surface of the puddles, spreading, spreading, spreading. When I rain down on others, what kinds of ripples do I make?
Lady Slipper
This Lady Slipper was a special request from a special person in my life. It was fun to paint, but it was also fun to think of her and the impact that she had on my life. I hope that she will find beauty in the painting and see her own beautiful heart in it as well. Lady Slipper is very fitting for her because has always been a wonderful example of a very gracious lady.
Open Wide
Whenever I need a just-for-fun painting I tend to gravitate to flowers. I wouldn't normally have chosen this one, but it was suggested to me, so I gave it a try. I'm having fun with it.
I often feel grateful for what I have and the circumstances in my life. I strive to act in gratitude, and use gratitude as my motivator instead of anxiety. I would like to become a truly grateful person.
I believe this happens when we experience gratitude in both the light and shadow of our lives. There must needs be opposition in all things. I work at finding gratitude in the good and the bad, the happy and the sad, the easy and the hard, the up and the down, the yin and the yang.
In the Beginning
In the beginning matter was unorganized...
That's how I feel about beginning a new painting. It's fun to put the first bits of paint on an empty canvas. But it is all so unorganized with only the hope that what is in my mind's eye can eventually come to pass for everyone else to see as well.
Here's to another beginning...
Beach Cherub
Well, here she is at last... my hot babe on the beach... my bathing beauty... my cute little beach cherub. I do love children. To me they represent innocence, hope, potential, purity, meekness, and joy. I love to hold a child's hand, play with a child's feet, and answer every single "why" they can come up with. Painting them, apparently, is no different. I have thoroughly enjoyed every child I've painted. I may have to stick to this genre...
Christmas Box Angel
I've always loved the story "The Christmas Box". I didn't realize until years after I first read it that the proceeds from the book go to build Angels for the comfort of those who have lost children.
It was a wonderful surprise to come across one of the Angels of Hope in a quiet corner of a park in Salem, OR. I haven't lost a child of my own. I have known several women who have and am grateful for anyone who shows such compassion as this.
Playing with Tootsies
She's playing with her cute little tootsie. I love baby feet!
Cloud Reflections
Tree Line
Just out enjoying the shade on a summer day.
Chubby Cherub
My beach cherub is getting chubby! I am really enjoying this painting. The flesh and fabric colors are very close, which makes it interesting. It forces me to really look at values, hard and soft lines, and all the elements that go into creating form. It is reminding me what great teachers I had in the art department at Southern Utah University.
Summer Fun
Batting Practice
I had a day out and found myself at a park. Three siblings were playing baseball and after watching and keeping score for my own boys' Little League games for 20 years I recognized that the older two where helping the younger one with his batting. I anticipated quite a bit of time to get some good sketches so I settled in with my sketchbook and pencil and began to observe.
The young batter had a routine of motions he went through that were oh so familiar. The tapping of the bat on the ground in front of himself, swinging it a few times for good measure, then choking up on the bat and preparing for the swing.
The sister was pitching and the older brother was catching. I got a quick sketch of the catcher and then began to really focus on the batter. I was excited to have these repeated motions because I felt I could get a more in-depth sketch done. I did a quick sketch to warm up and just settled in to a more serious one when suddenly they called it quits and when home. Whaaaaat?!?!??! I wanted to tell them they needed a much longer practice session. But I was already worried they thought I was a stranger watching them so intently. Perhaps that's why they called it quits after only a few minutes. Alas, there was not to be done. They were gone.
I did enjoy the nostalgia of the moment though... I was so ready for baseball days to come to an end after 20 years. But now that they are gone, I do miss them so. Just like the anticipated long practice, we never have the time we think we will. Carpe Diem!
Back in the Studio
I finally got back in the studio after almost a week. Breaks like this can be good for me, but they are hard on me as well. It's funny how much mental and emotional effort it takes to get myself in front of the canvas. And yet, to not do it is far more painful.
So I jumped back in to Beach Cherub and got a good start on her face. There's more work to do, but too little time. I am off to a fun adventure today, though. So hopefully I'll have some great references to bring back to the studio.